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  • Writer's pictureKelsey Miranda

The Lent Challenge 2024

What is Lent anyway?

If you are newer in your faith, you may not know what Lent is, which is ok! I most defintely didn't realize it until I started attending Church! I never knew Lent was a season of preparation to get our hearts ready for Easter. I always just planned a dinner for my family and me, colored easter eggs, hid them, bought all the Recees eggs my budget would allow, and made sure I got myself and my family to Church easter morning.

Oh, my dear, there is so much more to it than just what society has thrown at us.

The season of Lent is 40 days, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Resurrection Sunday (Easter). Between Ash Wednesday and Resurrection Sunday is six weeks, minus Sundays, equating to a total of about 46 days. It's a time to reflect on the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness before his death and resurrection and His life in general.

There are some things that people may do for Lent, like fasting and prayer.

Some fast from certain foods, activities, electronics, or whatever it is that comes between them and Jesus. Things that you hold near and dear to your heart that could have become an idol in your life. Activities that occupy more of your mind's space and time, and instead of doing such activities, they devote their time and attention to Jesus instead.

I am working hard at fasting from scrolling on social media and desserts. I am only two days in, and I honestly can't tell you which one is harder yet as they are both equally challenging, but in its hardness and my weakness, it is an opportunity for God to show His strength and for me to rely and depend solely on God. My own strength, or lack thereof, WILL fail me for sure.

So when I am tempted, I go to God's Word for Truth and strength. Just like Jesus did during His 40 days in the wilderness.

Lent is also a season of prayer and repentance.

Repentance is the action of repenting with sincere regret or remorse. In lamens terms, it's to say you are sorry for the wrongs you have done. To repent is to have a change of heart that brings us closer to God because we realize just how much our sinful nature needs a Savior. To truly repent is to turn away from the sin as we turn our hearts and minds towards Jesus.

It is a time to ask God in prayer:

search me O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. Psalm 139:23-24

What is it in your life that you need to repent from?

What area of your life requires some dusting off and cleaning up? Dust off your Bible and allow God to speak to your soul. Allow Him to dig deep and to search the depths of your sin-filled hearts to reveal to you what is blocking a deeper, more intimate & dependent relationship with your Savior who went to the cross for YOU. So that you can walk in the freedom from that sin once you repent of it.

I want to make a simple statement and then move on:

The purpose of the cross was to free you from your sin, but not freedom to continue to sin. Ask God through the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal that truth to you.

I want to challenge you during this season of Lent to dive deeper into the true meaning of Easter and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's not about the chocolate and bunnies, although the chocolate is a tasty treat. But there is something more, something if I were to bet your soul is aching for.

Easter is a holiday society has tainted as a secular season without reason. Still, it's time for born-again believers to take the divinity of Easter back as this season has an eternal purpose, and it's time we all seek it.

✝️ Easter is a story of a miracle for you and me.

It is a miraculous, one-of-a-kind true story that shouldn't be taken lightly or carelessly.

Jesus surrendered and sacrificed His life for you. The least you could do is sacrifice 15 mins of your day dedicated to getting to know your Savior more!

So join me and accept the 40-day, 15-minute Lent Challenge designed for those who want to learn about Jesus but are unsure where to start.

 ⏰ Wake up 15 mins. earlier each day

⏳ Set a timer and sit with your Savior

🙏 Begin by taking a few deep breaths and asking the Holy Spirit to still your thoughts and open your heart.


📖 5 minutes in God's Word

🙏 5 minutes in prayer

🙌 5 minutes in praise

(if you need a good playlist for praise music, check out: and scroll down to praise & worship!)

40 day lent challenge

If you want to do a deeper dive into the Word of God, then

check out the Journey to the Cross Reading plan, which is designed to walk you step by step through the life of Jesus and His journey to the cross. Dive deep into the depths of the life of Jesus and learn what Easter is really about as you sit with your Savior and dig deeper into His Word, grace, and love.

Download it here:

The Journey to the Cross Reading plan
Download PDF • 13.36MB

If you haven't already, I also want to challenge you to GO to church!

If you are looking for a great Church to attend, ask a local born-again-friend!

During Lent, our church will go through a season of prayer, repenting, and evicting, and I can't wait to find what God will divinely do in this season, what my Pastor has in store for us, and what God will reveal to me in this season of dedication.

Join us as we dive deep into the last words of Jesus that were said to His disciples.

Feel free to join us online or in person:

Are you taking the challenge? Then pray with me.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for your journey to the cross so that a wretch like me can be saved. Thank you, Lord, for paying the ultimate price for my sin and the sins of others. Lord, I ask for a blessing over my time taking this challenge. I ask you to soften my heart to the truth of your Word. Please point out any sin within that I need to repent and turn from. Over the next 40 days, I ask that you take me deeper into intimacy, dependency, and in relationship with you, Lord, my one and only Savior. I love you, Lord, and it is in Your Holy and Precious Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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